ACCWPA Newsletter

Why Working Hard Might Not Be Working for Your Health...

Being active is just so good for you. We could spend all day talking about different health benefits of physical activity, but let's just skip to the one that's most impressive: It increases your chances of living longer. Who'd say no to that?

In part it's because physical activity decreases your risk for many illnesses, including heart disease and stroke, the two leading causes of death in the U.S. And it doesn't take much activity to start seeing benefits. Each year, there are an estimated 110,000 deaths that could have been prevented by just a 10-minute-per-day increase in physical activity.

This Just In: Life Is Not Fair

If you have a job that keeps you active all day, you might think you're sitting pretty. Who needs to make time for a trip to the gym when your daily work involves lifting big loads, using heavy tools, or walking long distances? That occupational activity should be enough of a workout to give you those highly desirable health benefits, shouldn't it?

Read more in the March newsletter

Legal Tools

A member asked us:

Are piece rate/spiffs/commissions permitted to be paid as a bonus once per quarter? Can "incentive pay" be saved up and paid once a month in a week where no overtime has been worked? Or can it can be saved up and paid once per quarter? Can a holiday bonus be paid without regard to FLSA overtime?

Brooke Duncan, from the law firm Adams and Reese in New Orleans, LA, responds:

Compensation of almost every form paid to hourly employees has an impact on the employee's regular rate of pay and therefore on overtime pay when overtime has been worked. The reason why is that the employee's regular rate of pay has to be adjusted when the employee receives a bonus or an incentive in a week in which he works overtime. Piece rate payments, spiffs, commissions, incentive pay, and holiday bonuses all must be counted in calculating a revised regular rate in weeks when overtime is worked. Only purely discretionary bonuses may be excluded.

Read more in the March newsletter

Upcoming Events

March 12 - Board Meeting & General Meeting - Tool Time - New Cool Stuf

April 10 - Board Meeting & General Meeting - Mueller Streamlinen Co.

May 8 - Board Meeting & General Meeting - Apprenctice Graduation

June 12 - Board Meeting & Social Outing


View All Upcoming Events


ACCWPA is published monthly by the Western Pennsylvania association.

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