ACCWPA Newsletter

Congratulations to Our New 2025 ACCWPA Officers

PRESIDENT: John Wilcox, SUREWAY Htg. -Clg. -Plbg.

VICE PRESIDENT: Steve Boehmer, Boehmer Htg. and Clg.

TREASURER: Chuck Rauch, Valley Heating and A/C

SECRETARY: Dave Williams, A-Air, Inc.

Read more in the January newsletter

7 Signs of a Great Leader

Great leaders don't merely lead; they elevate the standard of excellence around them, empowering those they serve.

In the arena of leadership, the most transformational are not just those who gather followings but the ones who nurture and cultivate more leaders. These exceptional individuals foster environments where team members can thrive, innovate, be authentic and ultimately, step into leadership roles themselves.

Here are seven signs, shared recently by the CEO Coach Eric Partaker on X, that demonstrate traits of great leadership or what it's like to work for a great leader:

1. They Give You Credit

Great leaders acknowledge your hard work. They celebrate and spotlight your achievements and ensure everybody in the team knows the part you played. Your success is their success.

2. They Value Your Input

Great leaders appreciate your ideas. They make it safe for you to voice your thoughts and every suggestion is welcomed. You end up in a culture where everybody is encouraged to speak up.

3. They Support Your Growth

Great leaders throw their weight behind you. They are there for you when you need them. You get plenty of opportunities to learn, develop, and grow. And you are encouraged to constantly aim for new heights and become your best.

Read more in the January newsletter

Why Customers Want to Give You Referrals

There's no better way to gain customers than through your customers' referrals. A customer's personal recommendation adds strength to your marketing program that money can't buy.

Referrals are big business - and they're serious business. You've got a small window when you need to make the contact (24 - 48 hours), and you better be prepared to deliver the same level of service that brought you the referral in the first place.

Knowing that there's a lot at stake with referrals, let's look first at your customers' motivations. What's in it for them? Why would they want to give you referrals? HVAC Sales Training expert David Holt points to four main reasons:

1. The hero factor. Your referral source has an opportunity to be a real hero to one or more friends or colleagues. If working with you truly has been a pleasure, he or she can "look good" by helping a friend or colleague learn about you. Remember - people prefer to find service providers through recommendations.

2. It brings them better service. Your customers know that if they give you referrals it will give you added incentive to provide them with even better service. Even though you attempt to give all your customers the best service possible, isn't it natural that you will run a little faster and jump a little higher for the customers who give you referrals?

Read more in the January newsletter

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ACCWPA is published monthly by the Western Pennsylvania association.

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